Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Pinterest for Books:

Recently, a good friend of mine introduced me to, and now I am addicted. It is a book lover's dream! Goodreads is basically a Pinterest for readers. You can create different shelves and add books to them, along with creating different lists. Goodreads will give you recommendations based off books you've read and rated. You can also send messages and recommendations to friends, along with joining various forums and book discussions.

The most important of these lists, I've found, is the "To read" list. It's a very effective way to keep track of recommendations from friends, or add books you see on the store shelves to your que. When I'm waiting anywhere, or find I have a few spare minutes, I always go through the recommendations from Goodreads and continue to add to my "To Read" list. When I'm at a loss for what to read next, or what I was planning on reading isn't available at the Library, I open up my Goodreads app and simply look for the next book on the list.

You can add custom shelves as well, and one that I've added is a "To Re-read" list. I am notorious for re-reading my books. I love to re-experience worlds, and reconnect with how I felt when I read them initially. This could be an entirely different post in itself, so I'll digress now. But, I find this list to be useful when I truly can't get myself to the library, or don't have the finances to pick up new books every week. Often I forget about the treasures I already have on my book shelf, or I realize I did not like the book to begin with, and can make some physical room on my book shelves.

A Goodreads account is free, you simply need an email address. I highly recommend getting yourself one!

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